Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Choc Fudge

Posted on the 26 January 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Kit Kat Chunky Choc Fudge
After reviewing the new Coconut Kit Kat Chunky the other day, I thought that it was going to be the only 1 of the 4 new flavours that I was going to get to try as it seems Bracknell is behind the times and has not yet been graced with the presence of these new Kit Kats. Yesterday however, I went on a lunch time mission to Asda and FINALLY I managed to find all of the new Kit Kat flavours!
I am starting with the Choc Fudge flavor as after the coconut one this was the one that I was most looking forward to trying.
Kit Kat Chunky Choc Fudge
The outside chocolate was the standard Kit Kat Chunky milk chocolate, this had no additional flavours, unlike the Coconut bar.  The filling is where the Choc Fudge part comes in.  The wafter was smaller than in a standard Kit Kat Chunky and on top there is a fairly substantial layer of chocolate fudge.  This fudge part is quite sweet if you eat it on it's own, but if you are biting into the bar as it comes then I have to say that it is nothing special.  It's nice, don't get me wrong but I didn't feel that this was massively different from a standard Chunky, it just has more chocolate.
Verdict Choc Fudge tasted good and more chocolate in a chocolate bar is always a good thing but it's just not adventurous enough for me to want to vote for it in the latest Choose A Champion competition.  So far coconut has my vote but I will be reviewing the Hazelnut and Mint flavours over the next week or so. REVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Choc FudgeREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Choc FudgeREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Choc FudgeREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Choc FudgeREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Choc Fudge

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