Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut

Posted on the 29 January 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut
This is my final Choose a Chunky Champion review and here is how The Review Addict Kit Kat Chunky League Table is looking so far:
1st place - Kit Kat Chunky Mint
2nd place - Kit Kat Chunky Coconut
3rd place - Kit Kat Chunky Choc Fudge
So how will Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut do?  I reviewed the Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut Cream back in October last year and loved it; the Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut however is not the same...
Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut
The Hazelnut Cream bar was very nutty and the whole bar including the chocolate was a rich nutty flavor and the filling was very similar in taste and consistency to Nutella.  The Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut (are you confused yet?) had a much lighter filling, almost like praline.  It tasted good but again, like the Coconut and Choc Fudge bars, I just felt that the flavours were too weak.
I am a bit confused about the release of this bar; the Hazelnut Cream was originally a Bulgarian import I believe, but there seems to be British versions of this everywhere locally to where I live.  The wrapper is in English so I assumed that the bar had been released here?  I would love someone to clear this up for me as I will be gutted if the Hazelnut Cream is destined for the chop in the UK, especially if we end up with this poor substitute in the form of the Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut.
Mint is still the winner for me and I predict that this will win Choose a Chunky Champion based on the fact that Mint is a popular flavor and as I said in my review of the Kit Kat Chunky Mint, I just feel a lot more effort has gone into this bar.
REVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky HazelnutREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky HazelnutREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky HazelnutREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky HazelnutREVIEW! Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut
So here is The Review Addict Kit Kat Chunky League Table now...
1st place - Kit Kat Chunky Mint
2nd place - Kit Kat Chunky Coconut
3rd place - Kit Kat Chunky Choc Fudge
4th place - Kit Kat Chunky Hazelnut

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