Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle Brownie

Posted on the 12 August 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle Brownie
I had seen a couple of other reviews of Muscle Brownies recently so was really excited when American Soda sent me one to review. Lenny and Larry started out putting protein into muffins as an idea to combine their fitness background (apparently one of these guys is an former American Gladiator) with baked goods. Sounds like a good idea to me as despite all the not so healthy things that I review, I do like to keep fit and do lots of exercise.
The Caramel Walnut Muscle Brownie contains 20g of protein and weighs 80g. This is 2 servings at 170 calories each so to be clear it's 10g of protein per serving.
Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle Brownie
It is not a very big brownie at 8cm x 14cm x 2cm but when I cut in in half it was very dense. It looked quite pretty with the carmel stripes on top and I could definitely smell the earthy flavours of the walnuts.
Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle Brownie
The texture was as dense as it looked although not unpleasant, I guess it depends what you are looking for in a brownie. I personally prefer mine lighter and more moist and this was a little dry. Taste wise it  was not bad, the caramel was nice and I enjoyed the walnuts but it was just a bit lacking in chocolate flavor for my taste. I will say that it was very filling!
Verdict I like the idea of combining protein into brownies but I don't think that 10g per serving is a huge amount, no more than some of the yogurts that I have been eating recently but then yogurt isn't as fun as brownie is it?! I would much rather eat a Muscle Brownie than a lot of other protein bars but if I had to choose between this and a freshly baked oh so bad for you brownie, then I am afraid that the latter would win. 
Just average marks from The Review Addict but it's definitely worth giving Muscle Brownies a go because I have read a lot of positive reviews and they seem very popular! American Soda sells Caramel Walnut Muscle Brownies for £2.49 each as well as quite a few other flavours! REVIEW! Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle BrownieREVIEW! Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle BrownieREVIEW! Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle BrownieREVIEW! Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle BrownieREVIEW! Lenny and Larry's Caramel Walnut Muscle Brownie

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