I was recently sent this beautiful Lindt Easter Egg to review from Lindt's PR company. There are a few Lindt Easter Eggs out at the moment but I was particularly excited to receive this one because it contains Lindor chocolate truffles which I absolutely love. I reviewed Limited Edition Coconut Lindor back in February and they got full marks from me.
I loved the packaging of this Easter Egg, the green box with little butterflies really made me think of spring time and the chocolate egg looked lovely in it's shiny gold wrapper. There are no Coconut Lindor with this egg but you do get 3 different flavours: Milk, Irish Cream and Stracciatella. This egg is available from the Lindt online shop for £8.19, along with a choice of several other Easter Eggs.

There is something so satisfying about breaking an Easter Egg and the chocolate on this Lindt one was lovely. It was nice and thick and tasted deliciously creamy, I am a big fan of Lindt's milk chocolate.

I have not tried the Irish Cream or the Stracciatella Lindor before so I was looking forward to getting stuck into them. The Irish Cream truffle was in the pink wrapper and is the same milk chocolate as used in the original red Lindor but as the name suggests it is also flavoured with Irish Cream. I loved this flavor and I will definitely look out for a box of these if they are still available. The Stracciatella Lindor in the blue wrapper is white chocolate with slithers of cocoa and as a big lover of white chocolate I really enjoyed this flavor too.
Verdict If I receive any of the Lindt Easter Eggs this Easter I will be thrilled but I will secretly be hoping for another one of these so that I can have some more of those lovely Lindors along with the gorgeous chocolate egg!