Mr Review Addict picked up these Marks & Spencer Buttermilk Pikelets yesterday, he can't remember the exact price but they were under £1. I was quite excited because I haven't pikelets these since I was a kid and I used to love them! I don't know why I haven't seen them in so long, have they disappeared or is it because I just never thought to look for them?
A pikelet is a cross between a pancake and a crumpet and you get 6 in the pack from M&S with each one containing just 50 calories. You can just pop them in the toaster for a few minutes to warm them up and then add your topping of choice...lets be honest here, it was always going to be Nutella!

The pikelets tasted delicious, they had the consistency of a pancake rather than crumpet but the little holes meant that all the Nutella seeped down into them...lovely! The outside had a slight crisp to it and the inside was light and fluffy; the perfect texture! I did also try one with some cheese on the top with some slices of tomato and it was equally delicious but I think that they are more designed for sweet toppings.
I am so glad that the pikelet has returned and I will be buying plenty more. They are so much better than crumpets with that beautiful fluffy texture!

posted on 16 January at 11:01
The pikelets are fine, but whenever I go to M&S to buy some, the price seems to have gone up. When first introduced, they were, if I remember rightly, 67p a pack, but they are now £1! An unjustified 50% increase! Waitrose are behaving similarly. ALDI still have them at 67p, I suspect from the same source.