Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark Chocolate

Posted on the 06 January 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark Chocolate
This Moser Roth chocolate bar was purchased in Aldi just before Christmas but I have only just got round to trying it.  If you asked me a couple of years ago what my favorite kind of chocolate is, dark chocolate would be way down the list, however as I have got older my taste buds have changed and I find myself eating more and more dark chocolate (or is that just more chocolate in general?).
This bar intrigued me, I just thought that the spoon full of chocolate mousse on the packet looked so appetising!  I hadn't really paid much attention to the rest of the packet though and when I opened the cardboard outer I was surprised to find 5 individually wrapped bars inside.
Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark ChocolateMoser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark ChocolateMoser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark Chocolate
The bar is 85% cocoa made from South American cocoa beans and is described as having a lightly whipped chocolate mousse filling.  Each little bar weighs 37.5g and contains 222 calories.  Once unwrapped you are presented with quite a thin 4 piece bar which is nicely sectioned and branded with the Moser Roth logo.
Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark Chocolate
The chocolate smelt lovely and each section broke off with a very satisfying snap.  I was pleased to see that the mousse ran throughout the whole bar and not just in each section.  The dark chocolate outside shell of the bar is quite thin and almost crisp and this is a really nice contrast against the rich creamy chocolate mousse.  The 85% dark chocolate was not as strong as I was expecting, usually favouring white and milk chocolate those high percentages often intimidate me so I usually go for something lower but actually this was quite mild compared to other dark chocolate bars that I have tried.
Verdict I thought that the individually wrapped bars was a fantastic idea and the packaging looked fantastic.  I enjoyed the taste but I think if you are a fan of really strong dark chocolate you may be slightly disappointed with the mildness of this one.  There are other varieties of these Moser Roth mousse bars available, including orange and a very interesting sounding cherry-chill flavour!  Each one is a very reasonable £1.69. REVIEW! Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark ChocolateREVIEW! Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark ChocolateREVIEW! Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark ChocolateREVIEW! Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark ChocolateREVIEW! Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Classic Dark Chocolate

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