Back in December, Aero asked Facebook fans to vote for a new flavor and the options were; strawberry, lemon, white and cappuccino. I was really hoping that lemon would win as to me that sounded the most exciting and as much as I love white chocolate, it would have been the last flavor for me to vote for because it's a bit boring.
Well no offense British public but you are a boring bunch because as you can see the winner was disappointingly...white chocolate. Just like with the 2013 Kit Kat Chunky winner, the public played it safe.

The bar contains 221 calories and comes in 10 bubbly sections. I have never understood how a bar as light as an Aero contains so many calories, when you think of a lot of other bars that are much more dense they seem to contain around the same. Not that I am one to bother too much about calories, it just puzzles me that is all.
The bar is standard Aero milk chocolate with a white chocolate bubbly filling. I would have been more excited if it was a fully white bar but never mind.

Now I actually fully expected to be completely unimpressed by this bar. I do like a mint Aero from time to time but plain Aero does nothing for me and I don't know why but I thought that this would be like an even worse version of that because white chocolate can be very hit and miss.
I haven't mentioned it before because it was a bit early but Mr Review Addict and I are expecting a baby in September and because I was suffering with some pretty savage morning sickness you may have noticed the lack of chocolate reviews lately. Shocking I know but I actually went off chocolate completely for a few weeks!
So I don't know if it's because I haven't had much chocolate lately or because the last bar I ate before this was a Hershey's bar, but I ended up really enjoying this White Bubbly Aero! I do like the bubbly texture and I thought that the white filling which had a hint of vanilla was very tasty. It was extremely sweet which satisfied my sweet tooth and I actually really liked the combination of milk and white chocolate.
I have surprised myself with this review, I completely underestimated the tastiness of this Limited Edition Aero. I am still disappointed that this flavor won the vote and there is not much of a novelty factor here but I can't deny the fact that I will be buying this bar again!