I've had this bar in the review box for ages, I actually picked it up by accident when I was in The Stateside Candy Co intending to buy a standard Butterfinger. I thought that I should try a standard Butterfinger before trying it's cousin and you can check out my review here. Basically I loved it; in fact it has become one of my favorite American chocolate bars, so now I think that it is about time that I reviewed the Butterfinger Crisp.
Butterfinger Crisp and has layers of the same candy used in a normal Butterfinger, sandwiched between crispy wafers. It is intended as a "lighter" version of the popular American chocolate bar. This bar is 40g and contains 2 piece at 105 calories each but I gather that there is also a 60g version available.

It looks fairly similar to a Peanut Butter Kit Kat on this inside, but the peanut candy is much crunchier. Butterfinger candy is described as "crispety crunchety" which is a pretty good description as it's quite a strange texture, almost like peanut butter brittle. I think however that in this bar the wafers distract from that crazy texture a bit. The peanut butter flavor is strong and sweet with a hint of saltiness and it does taste very similar to a normal Butterfinger only with a wafery twist.
Unsurprisingly it's an all round lighter bar compared to a Butterfinger so if you found a Butterfinger too heavy then give Butterfinger Crisp a go, I also think that fans of the Peanut Butter Kit Kat would enjoy it. I did enjoy Butterfinger Crisp however I love Butterfinger more!