Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free Products

Posted on the 20 March 2014 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Quorn Frozen Meat Free Products
I'm not vegetarian but I do eat a lot of vegetarian meals because I can be a bit fussy when it comes to meat. It's not just that, I also find that some of the meals can be healthier alternatives and easier to prepare. I was recently asked if I would like to review some of the frozen Quorn products and I was only too pleased because I actually already eat a lot of Quorn.
If you are not familiar with it, Quorn is made from Mycroprotein which is a meat free protein that is naturally low in saturated fat and high in fiber. I was sent some Quorn Sausages, Quorn Mince and some Quorn Chicken Style Pieces.
Quorn Chicken Style Pieces are extremely versatile. I tend to use them for Fajitas, in salads or with pasta. The contain just 89 calories per 100g. A big 500g bag which serves 6 to 7 people costs around £2.49.
Quorn Sausages contain 139 calories per 2 sausages. The bag of 8 frozen sausages that I was sent costs around £2. I usually have these with mash and onion gravy, or I have actually made veggie toad in the hole in the past.
Quorn Frozen Meat Free Products
I hadn't actually tried Quorn Mince before I was sent some for review so I was really keen to give it a try. This big 500g bag that serves 6 to 7 costs around £2.49 and the mince contains 105 calories per 100g. I decided to try a veggie spag-bol and I have to say that it was delicious even if I do say so myself. The whole thing took me 10 minutes to make because the mince can be done in the microwave or just added to a sauce, straight from frozen!
Another product that I haven't yet mentioned but have tried in the past is the Swedish Style Balls. I love these, especially in pasta dishes and I have also made a "meat"ball sub with them before. They contain 117 calories per 100 grams and a 300g bag is around £2.50 (Images: Quorn).
REVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free ProductsREVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free Products
VerdictTop marks for these Quorn Frozen products. They are all very reasonably priced and so simple to prepare. I love that Quorn is so quick to cook, even from frozen and because it's high in protein and fibre, it's so filling.REVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free ProductsREVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free ProductsREVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free ProductsREVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free ProductsREVIEW! Quorn Frozen Meat Free Products
Check out the Quorn website for a list of other meat free products and recipe ideas!

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