I'm not vegetarian but I eat a lot of Quorn because I find it really tasty and it's low in fat. I am particularly fond of the fake "ham" slices and prefer them to normal ham even though they are quite a bit more expensive. Anyway I honestly can't remember which supermarket I purchased this from but they are on offer in Tesco at the moment for £1 (normally £1.99).
The burrito contains 234 calories and is described as "spicy mexican chilli sauce with tomatoes, chargrilled red peppers and cheese wrapped in a flour tortilla".

This is a frozen burrito and it is super easy to cook which is great for when you are feeling lazy which obviously was when I purchased it. You just need to microwave it in the plastic packet for 3 mins (1.5 mins each side) and it's done!

I will be honest, I am not usually a huge fan of microwave meals but actually this wasn't too bad. The wrap was little soggy and there wasn't much cheese either but the chilli part was quite tasty and it was pretty filling too.
I wouldn't rush out to buy this to be honest but the filling was nice. I think in future I would probably just make my own version using Quorn mince.