This Ritter Sport Espresso bar is going to be one that people either love or hate, espresso is an acquired taste after all. I'm a bit weird with coffee, I only started drinking it a few years ago and I only drink it strong and black which I guess is a bit odd for someone who didn't used to like it. I suppose our taste buds change as we get older.
Anyway monstersweets.co.uk sent me this bar to review and it is priced at £1.55 on their website. They have lots of different Ritter Sport bars available, including some Limited Editions.

The 100g square bar is of course the familiar Ritter Sport squared shape. The whole bar contains 567 calories and is made from milk chocolate with 45% intense coffee cream. It is strong roasted Arabica plantation coffee and you can really smell the espresso flavor.

The center of the bar is dark in appearance and creamier in texture. The coffee flavor is strong and definitely has that "roasted" taste but because the milk chocolate is so creamy and smooth it's not over powering or bitter as some coffee chocolate can be.
Verdict Ritter Sport always get the texture of their bars spot on and the Espresso is no exception. I loved the strong flavor and if you like coffee then I suspect that you will love this this bar too. Check out the Monster Sweets website for more European chocolate and American candy!