Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog Food

Posted on the 17 June 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog Food
You may or may not know that The Review Addict started off a general review blog. Over time I realised that most the reviews that I enjoyed writing the most were food and drink based so it made sense that it became a food and drink blog. However, from time to time I do still like to review something else, either because I have been asked to or because I just fancied writing about it.
Well I am kind of sticking to the food and drink theme with this review but it is not for humans! Meet Laila, she is my gorgeous 5 year old Boxer and I have roped her in to help me with this review because Sainsbury's very kindly sent her some samples of their Delicious Collection dog food to try.

REVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog Food


Laila was sent 2 flavours to try: Chicken Pate with Rice and Vegetables, and Beef Pate with Rice and Vegetables. They come in little plastic trays and are 150g each and cost 75p. Now Laila being a boxer is a bit girl so she isn't going to get by on just 1 of these so I served her both trays together.
I have to say, I don't make a habit of sniffing dog food but this stuff actually smelt really nice and it looked quite nice too.
Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog FoodSainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog Food
In the photos above, the chicken is on the left and the beef is on the right. Laila definitely enjoyed her dinner as she happily munched through the lot. Laila is actually quite picky and certain food she won't touch so these definitely went down well.

REVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog Food

Laila enjoying her Delicious Collection

I should also add that these trays can be heated up in the microwave but Laila is not a fan of hot food so we went with straight from the packet.
Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog Food
Verdict Laila thoroughly enjoyed Sainsbury's Delicious Collection, The Review Addict however has 1 concern and that is the price. According to the back of the packet, a 20kg dog needs 8 of these 150g trays which equates to 1200kg of food. Laila is actually 30kg so possibly she would need more. There are 400g trays available which are £1.20 each and she would need at least 3 of these meaning that it would cost me £3.60 a day to feed her...still with me? Well I currently spent £1.54 a day and it is a really good quality BARF diet based food that I buy. With this in mind I really could not justify switching to these because would cost me more twice as much to feed her! I think that this food is probably more suitable for smaller breeds and not big hungry boxers. All that said I would possibly buy this as a little treat for Laila because she did really enjoy it, or if for any reason I ran out of her normal food and couldn't get hold of any, at least I know that this is available in Sainsbury's. REVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog FoodREVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog FoodREVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog FoodREVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog FoodREVIEW! Sainsbury's The Delicious Collection Dog Food

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