Self Expression Magazine

REVIEW! Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green Tea

Posted on the 03 April 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green Tea
Welcome to day 3 of Taywell Ice Creams week on The Review Addict. You can find the links to days 1 and 2 at the bottom of this post. 
Taywell kindly delivered to me 6 tubs of their ice cream last week (1 of them is actually a sorbet but more on that later in the week) and if you read yesterday's review of Taywell's Honeycomb flavor ice cream you may recall that I mentioned a flavor that I thought was a little insane...well here is it: Japanese Matcha Fuku Green Tea!
Yep you read that right, green tea flavoured ice cream! The guys at Taywell weren't kidding when they said that they had some interesting flavours! This is part of their Asian range which also includes Sweet Chestnut flavor and Lemongrass and Chilli flavor.
Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green TeaTaywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green Tea
I have to admit I was a little scared to try this flavour, I mean I like green tea and I LOVE ice cream but I wasn't sure that the 2 should go together.
As you can see from the photos, the ice cream is lovely bright green color and like the other flavours that I have reviewed this week, it was quite soft and easy to scoop. I wasted no time in getting stuck in and I need not have worried because this ice cream is lovely! As I first tasted it I was hit with a strong taste of green tea combined with the rich creamy ice cream that I have come to expect from Taywell and that was followed by a surprisingly sweet taste.
Although I wasn't sure at first, the more I ate the ice cream the more I enjoyed it. That might sound a bit strange but what I mean is, it was just so unusual and not the sort of flavours that I am used to; it's all boring brownie and cookie dough usually. This meant that it took me a few spoonfuls to fully appreciate the green tea flavor but once my taste buds got used to it, I loved it!  This is a much more fun way to have green tea!
REVIEW! Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green TeaREVIEW! Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green TeaREVIEW! Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green TeaREVIEW! Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green TeaREVIEW! Taywell Ice Creams - Japanese Matcha Fuku Green Tea
Day 1: Taywell Ice Creams - Dulce De Leche
Day 2: Taywell Ice Creams - Honeycomb
You can follow Taywell Ice Creams on Twitter and they also have a Facebook Page

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