Diaries Magazine

Spring Break!

Posted on the 14 April 2014 by Latinaprpro @latinaprpro
As I mentioned yesterday, today is my first day of Spring Break. My first "school-related" break in more than 15 years.
Although I do have work planned, mostly meetings and a lot of writing, leaving PR has given me the opportunity for a more flexible schedule. You have no idea how much that feels like a gift!
First on my agenda, sleep in. This doesn't always happen as on the weekends a my hubby is also home and requires all my attention devoted to him. I don't mind it: the cooking and making plans for us: but it's also exhuasting when I have homework and other responsibilities on my plate. 
Need I remind you: Marriage is no joke!
But, like usual: I make plans while God laughs, and he did. 
At 8:30 a.m. my phone rings dead in the middle of a dream about a mail-order mop (don't ask!). I don't pick up, but can't sleep. 
I scroll through emails only to read an obnoxious one that makes my blood boil. I read Facebook statuses only to get quickly bored. I'm tired and I just want to sleep in.
Another call: "don't forget the painter is coming at 11 am," my hubby tells me. 

I quickly turn over and put a pillow over my head while Maya, now officially up, jumps on my back like a cat.I peek from under my pillow to see clothes on the floor and shoes. Lots of shoes. Another causality of my surgery: not knowing which shoes fit and when.I sit up and type. Type this.

There goes my Monday.

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