Self Expression Magazine

The Best of 2012

Posted on the 01 January 2013 by Thereviewaddict @TheReviewAddict
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I just wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to all my regular readers and to all the companies that have sent me products to review this year.  I started this blog back in April 2012 just for a little hobby and I have been overwhelmed by how many people actually want to read my reviews.
I also wanted to say a BIG thank you to all the fellow bloggers/reviewers who have supported The Review Addict in 2012 and an extra special thank you to Katherine at Grocery Gems, Dave at The Snack Review, Kev at Kev's Snack Reviews, Cinabar at Food Stuff Finds, Marcus at Choc It Out and also to The Impulsive Buy and Junk Food Guy.
Seeing as today is the beginning of a new year, I thought that I would reflect back on the very best products that I have reviewed this year so here they are, listed by category.  If you want to read the full reviews, just click on the name of the product and it will take you there.

Best Cake

THE BEST OF 2012 Heavenly Cakes Marathon Flapjack Heavenly Cakes are a fantastic company and I tried a few of their amazing cakes in 2012. My favorite was easily the Marathon Flap Jack which is just like a Snickers flavoured flapjack! Visit their website here.

Best Chocolate

THE BEST OF 2012 Dairy Milk Nutty Caramel There were quite a lot of new products from Cadbury in 2012 and being a big fan of Cadbury this was great news for me! My absolute favorite was this Dairy Milk Nutty Caramel bar.

Best Sweets

THE BEST OF 2012 Giant Bubblegum Bottles From The Gobstopper My favorite sweets courtesy of online retro sweet shop The Gobstopper.

Best Dessert

THE BEST OF 2012 The Cheesecake Factory's Chris' Outrageous Cheesecake I tried this Cheesecake when I visited Orlando back in November. I loved the combination of moist chocolate cake, chewy brownie, toasted coconut-pecan frosting and creamy chocolate chip coconut cheesecake.

Best Ice Cream

THE BEST OF 2012 Ben and Jerry's Cow Power An old favorite (Fossil Fuel) renamed and relaunched this year in aid of a good cause!

Best Snack

THE BEST OF 2012 New Heinz Flavoured Golden Wonder Crisps 2 brilliant new flavours from Golden Wonder, I am looking forward to more new flavours in 2013!

Best Sauce 

THE BEST OF 2012 Tony Romas Carolina Honeys BBQ Sauce This may have been the only sauce that I reviewed this year but I feel that it deserves a special mention as it really is good! I plan to review more sauces in 2013 and this is going to be a tough act to follow.

Best Restaurant Dish

THE BEST OF 2012 Frankie and Bennys Chicken Citrus Salad Yes I do eat healthy things too! A lovely light dish from one of my favorite chain restaurants.

Best Takeaway Product

THE BEST OF 2012 Pizza Hut Delivery Macaroni Cheese Not as good as Ma's but an awesome substitute.  Although I am told that Pizza Hut no longer delivers to Bracknell...sad times!

Best Other Food Product

THE BEST OF 2012 The Chunky Cheese Co Tangy Mature Cheddar A great little snack for when junk food will not do and also one of the best Cheddars I have tried! Check out The Chunky Cheese Co website here.

Best Soft Drink

THE BEST OF 2012 Luscombe Drinks Raspberry Lemonade A lovely combination of sweet raspberries and tart lemons. Check our their website here.

Best Alcoholic Drink

THE BEST OF 2012 Rekorderlig Winter Cider A lovely warming drink for a cold Winter evening!

Best Beauty Product

THE BEST OF 2012 VO5 Miracle Concentrate Elixir I have tried a few hair care products throughout the year but I always end up coming back to this one!

Best Cleaning Product

THE BEST OF 2012 Zoflora Summer Bouquet Zoflora has been around for years but I only tried their products for the first time this year. Who would have thought that a disinfectant could smell so nice! I have tried other fragrances since but Summer Bouquet remains my favorite. Sadly I wasn't able to get hold of Limited Edition Warm Cinnamon fragrance as I have heard only good things.

Best Gadget

THE BEST OF 2012 Snuglin As a sufferer of Raynaud's Syndrome this heated cushion has been a life safer this winter and now I wouldn't be without it. Visit the Snuglin website here.
Here's to a fantastic 2013 and I am really looking forward to reviewing more great products!  

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