Most of the time, it all got started by a simple statement: "Let's work together;" also known to the rest of the world as business collaboration.
In lay man's terms, business collaboration is working together to achieve a goal.
Unfortunately, when collaboration isn't a team effort or not a mutually beneficial, the relationship begins to unravel.
Fortunately, none of these experiences have jaded my point of view about the world, life and even business. At the end of the day, I strongly believe that I have achieved many goals because of the people that helped and cheered me on.
I also believe that the power of an entrepreneur lies in being able to join forces with others and create a larger, and stronger, network that will eventually breed great results for the parties involved.
Alain Romero, who you met in my previous blog post, also believes that business collaboration has "been the key to his personal and business growth."
"I truly believe that in order to help yourself, you must begin by helping others. It is only by teaching that you are able to learn. This concept is best exemplified in the concept of collaboration." Alain Romero
"Collaboration is the ability to work together towards a mutual purpose." Alain Romero
After speaking to him on this very topic, he agreed to share a few tips, insights and ideas on how to best incorporate business collaboration with my readers:
What is business collaboration?
AR: "Collaboration is the ability to work together towards a mutual purpose."How can you make business collaboration more rewarding for both parties involved?
AR: "The key to success, is to find common ground with everyone we come in contact with. It makes for a more pleasant and rewarding experience."What are three traits that a successful business collaboration entails?
AR: "First, a common ground. Secondly, establishing and agreeing on the avenues of mutual benefit and clear deliverables. Last and most importantly, follow through."How can bloggers and other business professionals benefit from collaborating with others?
AR: "Collaboration allows you to leverage your resources by creating mutual benefits, resulting in a more effective use of time, money and overall resources; thus, enhancing your ability to create results."What do you advise bloggers and other business professionals that have been "burned" or had a bad experience collaborating with others?
AR: "Collaborating is like dating. Take the relationship one step at a time and over time, the level of commitment will grow and with the results you will be able to create. Don't over stretch yourself and your ability to give. Collaboration results in mutual benefits through synergy. Look for the win-win in all of your collaborations."What can you do to prevent a bad collaboration experience?
AR: "Date before getting married. Never allow a single event to ruin you or your business."Great advice from a true professional that I hope is as beneficial to you as it has been to me.