One of my favorite social media sites is Instagram.
I just LOVE taking photos and peeking into the lives of others....even when overly stylized. I find that Instagram is my daily dose of inspiration, especially when I see a side of someone that they don't normally show on Facebook, Twitter and even their blog.
So when I see someone I know, I look. I look at their latest photos, compliment their style, and many times get inspired to try something they are doing. Be it cooking, shopping, or anything else really.
But sometimes photos that come across my stream remind me of just how sucky folks can be. Let me tell you why...
Today, no less, a photo of a colleague flashed on my phone. Although I've never met her, I've referred her business countless of times. I believed in her talent before she made it "big." I tend to do that, call out the talent of others before they even see it themselves. So, call me crazy, but I expect some sort of reciprocity if I do a good dead - especially when involving business.
Any who, going back to that I realized that I have supported this woman more times than she has even "thanked me." She seems to be above supporting most things I get involved with, but will, bless her heart, throw a bone my way now and again.
I've never really said anything - I have my tribe that stands for the same values as I do - but today it bugged me.
As nice and ra-ra as she seems to be towards everyone, it's just an act. She's only supportive of those that are paying her or giving her a reason (wink-wink) to be supportive. I guess my favors or my early door-openings don't count...and here I was trying so very, very hard, to see all the awesome goodness other people saw in her.
But I don't. At least not anymore.
I now have clarity of where "I" stand when it comes to my relationship with her...and isn't that all that matters?