After we watched Pitch Perfect 2 on it's 3rd third day of showing in cinemas, Ram and I were just at the perfect time to do what populates this post. It was 3pm and the shades were just right. I know I wore a sweater but it wasn't that hot at all. Well, besides from the fact that we just got out of the cinema, it was also one shady afternoon.I know my facial expressions always look weird on (almost) most of my photos. Don't worry, I'm improving myself. Haha.
As I've mentioned, we watched Pitch Perfect 2 and it was as fun as it was in it's first movie. Critiques aside, it was another comical and entertaining movie. My boyfriend made his own review of the movie, if you like to hear about it, you can visit his Youtube channel in this link. If you like it, please don't hesitate to give it a thumbs up and/or watch some of his videos! (hint: he's a good dancer) :)
As I was reading some articles in the internet, I stumbled upon one but very relevant information to my blogging career. Why don't I get approved in availing Google AdSense? Simple. My content's not even useful to everybody. Lifestyle blogs are growing tremendously and we can't find any original content anymore. Now here's the thing, I want to change that. I mean, I need to. I want to of course provide my readers informative content other than outfit posts (some of them are even unnecessary) that would catch their attention. Your attention and interest. I would probably need some deep thinking and brainstorming because I want to make this blogging craft a thing.
So much for my sudden rant, hope to see you guys on my next posts. :)
Sweater - Jukaykay Atpb.